Improving lives through better vision care by promoting and creating a distinguished rewarding life for everyone through the best eye care services in every community.
Integrity and Respect
Service Differentiation
Knowledge Empowerment
To empower people with better vision and affordable eye care services to everyone in Zambia.
To provide dedicated personalized customer service, tailored to meet the eye care needs of each customer/patient in a friendly and professional atmosphere.
Creating eye health care awareness through various Outreach programmes, media, print material to proactively educate preventative measures and reduce blindness in Zambia
Creating and serving large communities in rural and urban areas through expanded optician establishments at various locations in Zambia
To continue to create sustainable private and public sector initiatives that will put mechanisms for diagnosis, care and treatment in the resource poor areas.
To increase the awareness of appropriate vision and proper eye care through print, media, and outreach interventions.
Vision Care Opticians and Vision Care Appasamy Eye Hospital are proudly Zambian owned entities. Vision Care has worked within the communities in Zambia over the past thirteen years and has roughly estimated that more than three million people are in need of eye care, and majority of them are unaware of their eye conditions.
Vision Care Opticians has over the years developed a simple and cost effective technology and the capacity to solve this problem by enabling its operations by ensuring that the full supply chain of optical industry is made available to the Zambian communities. Vision Care boasts a large network of 14 optical stores across various locations in Zambia along with a full-fledged state of the art Optical Lab ensuring that we cover a complete supply chain of the optical industry making our customer’s eye care provision quicker, efficient and effective.
Whilst the optical lab is first of its kind in the country which manufactures ophthalmic lenses to a specified prescription at an affordable rate, and despite the availability of these facilities in Zambia, the eye care problems continue to persist on a vast scale. For the poor, eyeglasses often are either inaccessible or unaffordable, forcing thousands of people in resource poor peri–urban and rural areas to live below their full potential. We have developed a mechanism where we partner with other sectors wherein we undertake free community eye screenings in various churches, schools, and corporate companies in order to educate the communities about the eye care and provide appropriate insights.
Open 365 Days!
0800 HRS – 1800 HRS
Immediate Service
State of the art Optical lab
Licensed HPCZ Practitioners
Meet our Optometrists
Medical Insurance
We support all medical aids
Repairs and Adjustments
Free adjustment services
Service Excellence
We exceed client’s expectations